Issue 4
Wow, really a beautiful blog on PMF. Very good framework to validate at every stage.
Great essay, I have a doubt regarding survey's, first question, How would you feel if you could no longer use X, does X refer to our idea ? Or some other product similar to what we are building.
Great article Deepak, do also checkout 'Evernote Smile Graph' - if a product is truly exceptional then retention curve can also rise
Also, subbed to the newsletter!
Wow, really a beautiful blog on PMF. Very good framework to validate at every stage.
Great essay, I have a doubt regarding survey's, first question, How would you feel if you could no longer use X, does X refer to our idea ? Or some other product similar to what we are building.
Great article Deepak, do also checkout 'Evernote Smile Graph' - if a product is truly exceptional then retention curve can also rise
Also, subbed to the newsletter!