I just want to say thanks to share this blog.

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What is the different between personas and personalised.

Say I have 5 personas of clients . How do i have different personalised content for these 5

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A persona is a type of user. For example, Gen Z is a broad persona which is people born between 1995-2010. They have similar attributes. For example, they are good with digital apps and games.

Personalization means changing the website depending on the person. For example, when you go to Youtube, they offer you recommendations based on your watch history. That is an example of personalisation.

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Deepak, Can you please elaborate on what is the level of similarity or difference that must exist to categorize users into two personas? Say for e.g. if 2 sets of users have similar demography and principal benefits sought, can we consider them a single persona or we need more similarities between them?

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Depending on the need your product is solving, you should design personas. So if 2 sets of users have similar demography and principal benefits sought, they would be considered a single persona. It often becomes clear when you try to list all the personas of a product. Thereafter, you can expand (<3 personas) or merge (>8 personas) depending on whether you have >8 or <3 personas.

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