In this post, I have shared all the top resources I have come across on Data. A lot of readers requested this. Planning to keep it as the last post of the topic.
Check out the other posts that I have written if you haven’t
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Off to the topic,
Ever wondered what to read, refer or watch on a particular topic? Depending on the kind of person you are, you might prefer one or more of the methods to learn about a topic.
I have a close friend who doesn’t like reading but can watch videos related to anything on Youtube and learns. He mostly learns by doing and is a terrific operator.
Another friend loves reading articles. For me, I love books, followed by long articles, followed by videos.
Everyone has a different learning style. And that’s why I am going to share 5x3 resources on topics I write
top 5 books
top 5 articles/blogs
top 5 videos/channels
Please feel free to choose the medium and learn :)
top 5 books
How to Lie with Statistics — read it so that no one else can lie with data to you. It makes you a highly effective executive.
Web Analytics 2.0 — read it to understand key web metrics and how to define them well. I read this book back in 2014 when I was setting up the product analytics team at It helped me immensely.
Lean Analytics — read it to understand the key metrics of different industries. Also outlines some good practices around building a data-driven culture.
Don’t Make me Think — read it to understand the importance of qualitative data and how to get that. This book is super useful to all teams.
The Book of Why — This is an advanced read on understanding causation and correlation, and how AI is moving towards understanding cause-and-effect, rather than just causation. Don’t read it unless you have a good interest in AI/ML.
top 5 articles/blogs — Written by Avinash Kaushik, who is also the author of Web Analytics 2.0. Almost everything he has written in the book is available on this website. Start here to get a flavor of how he writes :)
Startup Founder Guide to Analytics — If you are working in a startup, and want to understand how data and data teams scale, this is good resource for you.
CXL blog on Product Analytics — CXL has this good blog post covering the basics of product analytics.
How Google Analytics Ruined Marketing — It is not just enough to learn where data works, but also where it fails. As Scott Fitzgerald said “The truest sign of intelligence is the ability to entertain two contradictory ideas simultaneously”
The Data or The Hunch — A brave article. More and more decisions, from the music business to the sports field, are being delegated to data. But where does that leave our intuition?
top 5 videos/channels
Analytics from a POV of Data Scientist. Airbnb is a pioneer in data science and data infrastructure.
Amplitude is one of my favorite products built over the last 10 years. Straight from the horse’s mouth — the guy who built amplitude.
Suhail built Mixpanel, which changed the landscape for self-serve tools. A pretty good video for PMs and Analysts.
A good one for PM aspirants from a Amazon PM.
Chamath on building growth through analytics. The video is gold for growth PMs. The mindset of “Measure, Test, Try” keep data and experimentation at the core of growth.
Hope you liked this format. Keeping this for the last post of every topic. DM me for any suggestion/feedback :)
PS: I thought of not writing a post this week, but couldn't stop :)