Hello, and Welcome! Recently I did a session on how to engage your users through gamification in Seamless Asia conference.
Checkout the other posts that I have written if you haven’t
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Off to the topic at hand :)
In this session, I talk about how gamification has changed e-commerce landscape in China and how other apps are also using it.
I also share a framework on how to build gamification in your product.
The session is useful for PMs, Founders, Marketers.
The powerpoint is available here - powerpoint link
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Great article, Deepak. Some good insights.
For interested readers, this video from Yu-Kai Chou is a must watch- https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=u4acIpWrnzo&feature=emb_logo
His book 'Actionable Gamification' is a good read.